Etudes for electric guitar – “Seattle Summer”
Transcription Takeaways – Jimmy Wyble
Studies for electric guitar
Shortz: Musical Phrases
Don't fence me in!
Shortz: chords & lines
Contrary motion
Musical Syntax (1 – 15)
Musical vocabulary
Musical Syntax [13] Double Stops revisited
Free Fallin' / Black Hole Sun
‘Two-line’ excursion (3) ‘A Beatles-waltz’
This miniature-etude can be called a 'waltz' since it's literally a little dance for the fretting hand. It ties in a couple of technique aspects also mentioned in 'Tone-Technique-Theory' .
‘Two-line’ excursion (2) ‘She’s Leaving Home’
Lick of the day: Jimmy Wyble's 'two-line improv' applied to the Beatles' "She's Leaving Home"
‘Two-line’ excursion
Lick of the day: Jimmy Wyble's 'two-line improv' applied to 'Black Hole Sun'. Outline harmonies and harmonic progressions with only two notes at a time.
II-V-I ideas by Spanky Alford and Jimmy Wyble
II-V-I ideas with moving inner voices. Smart chord diagrams. Inspired by amazing ‘Spanky’ Alford and Jimmy Wyble.